Being Honest about my Age
I am not young. I've had 5 kids, and 1 of those kids is in college. But I have been attacking my new kettlebell routine with the gusto of a 25 year old. The result is that the tendon in my right shoulder is sore. I need to back off a bit. I had been adding to what the plan in Kettlebells for Women called for. I stuck in extra push-ups, as well as a plan for improving my chin-ups (which I can't do). I need to just stick to the plan. The plan is enough. The book is well thought out and doesn't need me adding to it. Now, there is nothing wrong with scalling it back if I need to do so, but I should not be adding to it. I'm too old and I've never been physically strong. I need to stick to the basics. I did do the full workout from the book today. I did 50 squats (25 clean and squats on the left and 25 on the right) with a 12 kg bell. I did 50 chest presses and around 75 alternating swings. I also did a good core workout with it. I liked this workout. I know it's one I will do even after I finish the program.
* This is not me. Just a picture of a kettlebell squat. I'm thrilled that I did 50 with my 12 kg bell.
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