Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dealing with a Head Cold

It's summer.  You're not supposed to get sick in the summer.  But the kids and I all have a cold.  It's just a runny nose and a nasty headache.  Thanks to sudafed, I was able to run this morning. :)  I got 5 miles in.  It was humid, but there was a nice breeze.  I was running around town where my kids swim.  Their practice is for 2 hrs, so I ran for an hour, stretched, then hit the shower (they have a wonderful facility).  After swim practice we went to try and find my 15 year old daughter a pair of sandals.  We struck out.  We tried 4 stores, but everyone has summer stuff on clearance, meaning we couldn't find her size (9 1/2).  

Anyway, running has been getting better.  I'm still doing kettlebell.  I'm on week 4 of BeSlam (2nd time around).  I'm running 3 times a week.  The first time doing BeSlam I cut my running down to less than 10 miles a week.  I want to do between 15 and 20 now, plus the kettlebell.  Next week the program moves to 3x's a week strength training.  It will be challenging.  

My muscles are definitely feeling it.  This has been good.  I'm really enjoying getting back to more running. I enjoy running, and I was feeling down about losing my running fitness.  I'm still not back to where I was, but I'm getting there.  I believe it will be worth it.  

On the more fun/personal front, I took my daughter to Sephora for a makeover.  She had fun and got some new stuff, and so did I!  I've never been much of a make-up person, but as I've, ahem, gotten older I need it more.  I prefer the good stuff (who doesn't it!).  I  don't buy a lot, but I get the basics.  This time I got a Smashbox eye palette and a new lipstick.  Love the eye palette, I getting used to the lipstick.  I always get a boring, neutral color, so this time I decided to step out and try something a little different.  It looks weird to see color on my face.

Smashbox - Photo Op Eye Enhancing Palette - Brown Eyes


The rest of my week is busy, of course.  I'm planning on running Wed and Thur, then doing kettlebell on Friday.  Saturday is the swim finals!  It will be nice to be done with swimming for the summer.  Somewhere in the next few days, I'm desperate for a haircut.  I hope it happens.  

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