Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Running, Yoga, and Lent

I've been so busy, that it's been hard to find time to write.  I've been able to increase my running, but at the cost of kettlebell.  My right knee started hurting.  It didn't hurt while I did anything, only at night or when I would try to stretch.  So that, combined with the fact that I've been getting incredible, personal yoga instruction has led me to a difficult decision.  I'm taking a break from kettlebell and just running and practicing yoga.  I still plan on keeping up my pull-ups and push-ups, and I may even add back swings in a few weeks.  But for now, I want to pursue the yoga more fully.  I'm making progress, and learning so much from my incredible instructor.

And now Lent.  I was raised Roman Catholic, but I've only attended Protestant churches since college.  We are currently attending an Episcopal church, which has been nice.  And it's been good to be somewhere that uses the Liturgical calendar again.  Faith, for me, has been mostly pushed aside because we live so far from where we attend church.  I've been burned out with church for the last few years, but I want to use this season to try and reconnect to my faith.  I want to remember why I had faith.

Growing up, Lent meant fish on Friday's and giving up something, usually ice-cream, until Easter.  But I want this to be a time of true fasting.  Besides making Friday's meatless (so, no fish) I would like to go vegan the entire time.  That may not be possible, since I'm still cooking for my family, who have no desire to go vegan.  So I will do vegan as much as I am able, as well as dropping wine and chocolate.  I'm also planning to practice yoga everyday.  It may seem that yoga has nothing to do with Lent, but it's the discipline, as well as the way yoga gets me out of my head, focusing on my breath, on life itself.  It's very meditative.

I also have books to read for Lent, one being The Imitation of Christ, and the other is a collection of writings for Lent and Easter by Henri Nouwen.

This morning I ran 5 miles on my treadmill, since it's bitter cold and icy outside.  I'm planning on 30 minutes of yoga later.

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