Thursday, April 3, 2014

Long Morning

No morning run, no yoga, no kettlebell.  Right now I'm sitting, waiting. I'm trying to sign my kids up for a homeschool co-op. I've been homeschooling for 15 years. My oldest is in college,  my 2nd oldest is taking dual-credit classes at a college.  My 3rd child starts high school next year. I need a break. If I could do it, I would move to somewhere with a good school district and enroll my kids,  but I can't.  I really hoping I can get my kids enrolled in these classes. I came an hour before sign ups started, but I'm #24th. 

I'm worried that I won't get them into what I need them to take. Mostly though, I'm tired. For just a while I need someone else to tell them they have to write that paper, or do that project. I need them to see that my standards,  while high, are within the norm.

If I can find time today, I will run, and run fast. I need to get these jitters out. 

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