Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Being Sick

Yesterday's workout was great.  I was unsure how it would go because I woke up sick.  I took some medicine, drank my coffee, and then hit the treadmill. My workout looked like this:

1 mile run warm up on the treadmill (I do my short runs in my Minimus shoes)

1 x1 TGU with 12kg bell

Group A
3x6 deadlift; 16kg + 20kg bell
3x10 heavy swing; 20kg
3x5 halos; 12kg

Group B
3x10 goblet squat; 12kg
3x5 clean and press; 20lb
3x5 good morning stretch; 16kg

snatches; 12kg--I did 8,8,7,7  for a total of 30 each side

3x30 hot potato (I don't care for those, so I did 1 set of hot potato, then 2 sets plank)

The entire thing, including stretching at the end took an hour.  I also added throughout the day a total of 40 push-ups, 40 pull ups, and 80 swings with my 16kg bell.  The goal of 50 push-ups/pull-ups and 100 swings, but by the afternoon I felt wiped out.  The cold really hit and I couldn't do anything else. I had also planned on some gentle yoga in the evening, but couldn't even manage that.  :(

I hate being sick, of course, who doesn't?  The plan today is to run for 4 miles and do some core work.  I will have to see.  I slept in and now I need to start school with my kids.  I'm also hosting a pot luck tonight that I need to cook for too.  Lots to do today and I feel like curling up in bed and staying there.

Lent begins today.  This is going to be a journey for me.  My faith has taken a hit in the last couple of years, and I need to find some solid ground.  I have very basic questions that I'm wrestling with, questions I don't expect answered, only worked through.  My questions to deep to the basis of my Christian belief.  I'm really struggling with hanging onto it.  Right now, I feel like I'm being tossed by the wind and waves, and honestly, I'm sea sick.

I was raised Roman Catholic, but because when I became an adult I questioned and had serious disagreement with the RC faith.  I stayed Christian, just not RC.  I have been most comfortable in the Reformed (or Calvinistic) corner of the Christian world.  We do not currently attend that type of church, since there are none within an hour of where we live.

Right now I feel like maybe I shouldn't have left the RC, or maybe I don't want to hold onto any of it.

I am not able, at this time, to go back to the RC church.  It's also not really in this area, nor do I want to drag my kids through such a huge faith shift.  They are quite happy with where we are at, and such a change would rock their world and not in a good way.

For now, this is about me.  I need to find some sure footing.  So for the next 40 days I'll be posting about workouts and a bit of my own introspection.  I have a lot of crud deep down, and I don't know if I want to post it all.  But, I think I need somewhere to get it out.

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