Monday, March 3, 2014

Rest Day

Today is my rest day.  Sometimes I do some easy yoga, just to work out the kinks, but I try not to do anything strenuous.  Normally, Monday's are spent driving.  I start on the road with my kids in tow around 11:00 and get home close to 10:00 at night.  Monday's are long days.  But today I stayed home.  We've had rain/ice/snow all day long and everything was canceled.  I thought about yoga this afternoon, but decided that it was a rest day and I should rest.  So instead I read a book.

I started Murakami's book Saturday and finished it today.  It was a good read.  I now have the urge to run a race, and may even consider a full marathon one day.  I've only done half's, but who knows.  I haven't run a half in over a year and a half.  I don't really care for races.  I just love running, and the last race I did I felt so much pressure, that when it was over I was burned out.  But now I'm thinking that maybe this fall I could give it a go.  The last race I did was a spring race.  I like that one, but I hate trying to train all winter.  The kids' schedules are too crazy, and combined with the weather, it's hard.  But I think if I did one in late October or early November it would be good.  I may go for it.

On other matters, Lent is starting on Wednesday.  I haven't practiced Lent in a long time.  I was raised Roman Catholic, but I am not anymore.  I attend a Protestant church.  But I'm feeling the need for Lent.  Lent is supposed to be a time of afflicting the soul, repenting of your sin, and seeking the Lord.  I believe I'm in need of that.  Growing up, Lent meant giving up something for the 40 days (Sunday's don't count), and not eating meat on Friday's.  I think I will do close to the same.  I think I will give up alcohol (I love my evening glass of wine) and sweets.  Friday's will be a true old, fashioned fast day (Pre-Vat II), with no dairy, eggs, or meat.  I've picked some books for Lenten reading.  The first up is The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Henri Nouwen

I had thought of starting another blog just for my Lenten contemplations, but this blog is about the journey to me; the journey of me finding myself, and peace.  It's about me becoming stronger, and this is a part of that.  So for the 6 or so people who pop onto this blog, I hope you're not offended, but this is my space. :)  I plan on using it to get my thoughts out about running, kettlebell, yoga, maybe my kids and homeschooling, and about my spiritual growth.  

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